Sematext Publications

Lucene in Action – Second Edition
When Lucene first appeared, this superfast search engine was nothing short of amazing. Today, Lucene still delivers. Its high-performance, easy-to-use API, features like numeric fields, payloads, near-real-time search, and huge increases in ...

Solr Cookbook – Third Edition
Similar to the previous edition of cookbook, we took the time to rebuild the book and all recipes were updated, half of the previous content has been thrown away and new content ...

Mastering Elasticsearch – Second Edition
“Mastering Elasticsearch – Second Edition” covers intermediate and advanced functionalities of Elasticsearch and walks you through its internals including caches, the Apache Lucene library, and its monitoring capabilities. You’ll learn about practical ...

Apache Solr 4 Cookbook
Apache Solr is a blazing fast, scalable, open source Enterprise search server built upon Apache Lucene. Solr is wildly popular because it supports complex search criteria, faceting, result highlighting, query-completion, query spell-checking, ...

Elasticsearch Server – Second Edition
This book begins by introducing the most commonly used Elasticsearch server functionalities, from creating your own index structure, through querying, faceting, and aggregations, and ends with cluster monitoring and problem diagnosis. As ...

Elasticsearch in Action
Elasticsearch makes it easy to add efficient and scalable searches to your enterprise applications. Busy administrators and developers love this open source real-time search and analytics engine because they can simply install ...

Spark in Action
Spark in Action teaches you to use Spark for stream and batch data processing. It starts with an introduction to the Spark architecture and ecosystem followed by a taste of Spark’s command ...

Apache Solr 3.1 Cookbook
This cookbook will show you how to get the most out of your search engine. Each chapter covers a different aspect of working with Solr from analyzing your text data through querying, ...