Case Studies

Fenom Digital Case Study
Digital transformation agency that delivers transformative end-to-end customer experiences

Dawn Patrol Case Study
The App that makes your Apple Watch a Surf Watch. Track your waves, Relive your surf and Share your session

Benchprep Case Study
Benchprep is a pioneer in the modern learning space, digitally transforming professional learning.

ATLIST Case Study
Web platform which helps independent properties enhance the guest experience and maximize profit. Case Study
Managed platform for developing solutions based on Event Sourcing & CQRS

Soundrop Case Study
Distribution and licensing for cover songs and video game music on the world's top platforms

UALA Case Study
Docker monitoring and logs with lightweight agents

Pygmalios Case Study
Monitoring and logging solution for a containerized environment

iQmedia Case Study
Leverage a hosted platform that captured, stored, and provided search capabilities...

BlockGen (Stratumsphere) Case Study
Monitoring that scales alongside BlockGen's dynamic containerized environment

CoEnterprise Case Study
Integration and analytics solutions and services